Its sad that this is the news that excites me these days. Seeing as I missed out on any and all of the good stuff at the Zellers baby sale this weekend (I'm talking 50% off cribs and play yards....boooooo) it feels like a minor victory in the get ready for baby battle. I was able to convince Chris to take me to the trendy (and only) baby boutique downtown today so we could talk to a sales lady about the differences in the different types of cloth diapers available. After a good long explanation (that lady knows her poop receptacles) I feel more confident that were on the right track. Without any pressure sales she casually mentioned the bamboo diapers that are usually priced at $18.00 a pop were on sale for $10.00 each with the purchase of 12 or more. She let me know the sale would last awhile but I decided what the hell lets pick up some of those bad boys. They are sooooooooooooooo soft, they are like little fuzzy baby duck colored He-Man undies!!!. Maybe next payday I will pick up another batch to ensure I have enough...I'm not sure what the average number of diaper changes is a day.... I guess to help my odds no Indian food while I'm giving the baby breast milk.
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