The more tiny terrors running amuck everywhere I go makes me seriously wonder some days just what the hell I have gotten myself into. I don't want to be the person at the restaurant who's ruining everyone Else's night out because of the tantrums coming from my table. Or the person who is responsible for one of the many screams of agony that make the Walmart sound like a bloody torture chamber the second you waltz through the door.
Or even worse still, I don't want to walk up to the cash register with the stupid kid talking like a "baby" and making an ass out of himself in a vain attempt to get some attention.
What happened? I used to like children, in fact I used to like them a heck of allot more than most adults. Maybe it was because I had the option of walking away when I had had enough .In a few more years that option will not be there, I will be in the very eye of the storm when a piece of candy turns into a life or death matter, or when someone decided a random punch to his or her sibling was a good idea. I'm starting to think maybe I never really wanted kids but nature just fooled my brain into thinking this was a good idea!!! Maybe I can find a trade in program, you give me your baby and I will raise it until its two or three then he or she is all yours again, complete with functioning motor skills and the ability to wipe its own ass. Do you think anyone else would go in for an offer like that? NO, hell it was worth a shot!.
Everyone says its different when its your own child, that having a baby was the best thing that ever happened to them....good lord I hope they are right~ because as it stands I'm squirreling away money for anger management and therapy at this point!!!
hang in there baby...
we're going into full blown 'hitting' and 'tantrum' mode at our house...
At home, he gets no attention when he lays on the floor and screams, that is - unless he wants to say sorry and have a hug.
this is NO PROBLEM when i'm at home. but in public it's a whole other story. I used to think i'd be one of those mom's that just said: "OK! We're leaving if you can't behave" and packed up the kid leaving a cart full of groceries in the middle of the aise; but now i'm like: "We need milk, if i don't do this now, we won't get any!" and i am that woman with the screaming baby in the cart.
I now have decided that unless b-rad and i are both there, there is no shopping with chewie. I will go out and hit the store alone after bedtime... testing the firmness of produce at 10 pm if i have to.
i guess, at this stage i'm really trying to decide the best tactic to parenting, trying not to give in to any Baby Terrorists and develop bad habits... but damn, it's hard.
i have a newfound respect for any mother who's gone through toddlerhood.
Wow! I am really not looking forward to the inevitable bad days! I guess thats the real reason why babies are so small, cute and irresistable~ to sucker you in early before the melt down stage.
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