A few more gifts arrived this past week for little Miss. Buggito, as well as a few small things from Mommy. This is one SPOILED baby!. The first package arrived from some family friends in Saskatchewan, Chuck and Barb, it contained some adorable little outfits for the baby. They look to be from the same collection as the little outfits my Aunt Debbie sent BUT they are all different! They are so classy I love them! and cant wait to get some pictures of baby wearing them!.
The next little outfit was given to us from my friend Emily and her Mom while we were visiting her house last week. Its a cute little love bug set which suits her as her nickname is Buggito!!
A few days later another neighbour dropped by with a gift for the baby it was a onesie, a teddy bear and a book about animals because she is a big animal lover. She just loves watching our dogs and has one of her own, shes also the only neighbour I think I have spoken too. She seems nice and it was a very nice surprise!.
Yesterday the postman left a big box at our back door, I assumed it was a package my Mom had said she mailed out, BUT it was another surprise from my friend Karen in Saskatoon!. We opened the box to find a sweet stuffed kitten (that Mushu very much wanted to grab for herself) and even better still a HUGE homemade blanket. WOW Karen!!! did you knit that yourself!!! Its beautiful!!!. It would take me 5 years to knit a blanket that size at the speed I knit! We love it, Buggito and I have already been snuggling up to it on the sofa!
Thank you SO much everyone for the sweet baby gifts! they are appreciated beyond belief!. All the generosity from family and friends has really made Chris and I realise how blessed we are to know such great people in life. Not every family is as lucky to have such a great support group of people to help out with their babies and trust me every gift given is something that does help out!. I think of all the single mothers out there or couples faced with unplanned pregnancies that receive no love and support and it really is humbling to have so much!. So thank you again everyone!!!!.
Last but not least Mama couldn't help but spoil baby girl a tiny bit this week either. As Buggito is beginning to outgrow her baby swing I felt a pang of sadness that she would have to lose her Jeremy fisher mobile that she enjoys talking to each day. Then I remembered the baby boutique downtown had some Beatrix Potter stuffed toys so I went down and found her a Jeremy Fisher doll. So now she will still have him to babble at once her swing is gone. I also bought her a little hair band for her photos. At Walmart I couldn't help but nab her a Tinkerbell outfit for this fall and I found one small fleece dress with the cutest little mushroom men on it at Value Village for her.
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