Chris's Mom and Sister came down to visit this week and meet the baby. We tried to take them around the island to see a few things like Baddeck, the Fairy hole, Fort Louisbourg and the Cabot trail. On top of that we did some local shop browsing and visiting around home with the baby. They picked a great time to visit, the weather was pretty nice most of the week and more importantly the baby is starting to enjoy interacting with people a bit more. She still sleeps allot but she enjoys listening to people talk and watching faces, were even getting big gummy smiles pretty frequently now.
Chris's parents got the baby a nice high chair and baby activity center, which will be great in a few months when she is able to support her own head fully (Thank~you Grandma and Grandpa). With the way she kicks her legs around shes going to love the activity center. Chris's mom also brought his baby album, Buggito is a carbon copy of her daddy when he was a baby, I will post some comparison pictures sometime this week once I scan them in. We had a great visit with them both and hope they had fun visiting us as well :), fingers crossed we will be seeing them next spring or summer when we go to Saskatoon (if we can afford it) for a friends wedding.

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